
Dr. S. Amal Raj


R. ArulMozhi

Assistant Professor

Dr. E. Arun Babu

Associate Professor

Water Quality Assessment Through Remote Sensing, Climate Change Impacts on Reservoir Quanity and Quality, Machine Learning for Water Resources and Water Quality Modelling

Dr. R. Balamurugan

Associate Professor

Computational Intelligence in Hydro Systems, System Analysis in Water Resources and Planning and Management for Irrigation Systems(Vaigai Reservoir)

Dr. G. Beulah Gnana Ananthi

Associate Professor

Cold-Formed Steel Structures, Built-Up Cold-Formed Steel Beams and Columns, Finite Element Modelling, Structural Mechanics, Composites Structures and Sustainable Materials

Dr. S. Bhuvaneshwari

Assistant Professor

Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. Carolin Arul

Associate Professor

Dr. G. Dhinagaran

Assistant Professor(Sl. Gr.)

Dr. B. Divya Priya

Assistant Professor

Dr. Ganapathi Malarvizhi


Dr. S. Greeshma


Earthquake Resistant Design, Finite Element Analysis and Sustainable Building Materials

Dr. K. Gunasekaran


Civil Engineering and Transportation Engineering

Dr. H. Jane Helena


Structural Engineering

Dr. K.P. Jaya


Structural Engineering, Concrete Structures, Earthquake Engineering, Soil Structure Interaction and Precast Concrete Structures

Dr. S. Jayalakshmi


Dr. Jijo James

Assistant Professor

Geotechnical Engineering, Ground Improvement, Stabilized/Reinforced Soil Composites, Sustainable Geomaterials and Geoenvironmental Engineering

Dr. S. Kanmani


Dr. R. Kanmani Shanmuga Priya

Assistant Professor

K. Karthiga

Assistant Professor

Dr. S. Karthigeyan


Geotechnical Engineering

Dr. M.S. Karthikeyan

Associate Professor

Dr. S. Karthikeyan


Environmental Engineering

A. Kavinraj

Teaching Fellow

M.S. Keerthana Rani

Assistant Professor

Dr. Komathi Murugan

Assistant Professor

Structural Engineering, Structural Concrete, Earthquake Engineering, Retrofitting and Rehabilitation and Textile and Fibre Reinforced Concrete

Dr. M. Krishnaveni


Dr. Kurian Joseph


Dr. S. Lakshmi


Dr. V. Lenin Kalyana Sundaram

Associate Professor

Ground Water Modelling, Gis Applications to Water Resources and Rain Water Harvesting

Dr. Madhavi Ganesan


B. Manimekalai

Assistant Professor

Environmental Engineering

R. Manivanan

Visiting Faculty

Mathematical Modelling Studies for Coastal Engineering Projects, Marine Environmental Impact Assessment and Water Quality Modelling Studies

Dr. A. Merline Sheela

Associate Professor

Agricultural Microbiology, Environmental Microbiology, and Bioremediation

Dr. R. Murugasan


Dr. M. Muttharam


Dr. K. Nandhini

Assistant Professor

Construction Engineering and Management, Advanced Construction Materials, Sustainable Building Technology and Nanomaterials in Construction

M. Navamuniyammal

Assistant Professor

Agriculture and Forestry, Coastal Regulation Zone Mapping and Thermal and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing

Dr. K.C. Pazhani


Dr. V. Ponmalar


A. Ponmozhi

Teaching Fellow

Dr. K. Premalatha


Dr. S. Rahima Shabeen

Assistant Professor(Sl. Gr.)

Structural Engineering, Frp Composites and Sustainable Materials

Dr. K. Ramesh

Assistant Professor

Dr. M. Ramesh Kannan

Assistant Professor

Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering and Management and Human Resources Management

Dr. V. Ramji

Associate Professor

Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Micro Irrigation Engineering, Watershed Conservation and Management and Groundwater Modelling and Management

Dr. G. Ravikumar


Dr. S.M. Renuka

Assistant Professor

Automation in Construction Industry, Advanced Materials & Concrete Technology, Construction Engineering & Management and Lean Construction

Dr. Saranya Kuppusamy

Visiting Professor

Dr. R. Saravanan


Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering